Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I believe there's a hypocrite in all of us

How man you can actually say you haven't hated on somebody or something and then changed your mind later when you tried it or when you were in a similar situation?

I say this because I was chatting to my little brother today and he hates hip hop artist Drake with a passion. He doesn't "dislike" Drake, he HATES Drake. But this isn't the first time he's hated an artist. He also hates Justin Bieber with a passion.

There have been countless instances in the past where he hated an artist only to grow to like them when he saw their personality or got to know them.

There's a hypocrite in all of us because it's impossible to understand everybody's situation or be in their shoes.

Me personally... I like Justin Bieber :)

My first post

Since breaking up with my girlfriend of close to 2 years I find myself alone with my thoughts. I consider myself a deep thinker so I'm creating this blog to air my thoughts raw and as they are.

I've always sucked at writing but this isn't about being a good journalist or writer. I have all these things racing through my mind and I need someone to share it with.

I vowe to be completely honest in all my posts, to be raw and say things that may not present me in the best light. I always harp to my friends about being 'real' and that's why I called this blog Real Talk (credit to rapper Fabolous).

Hopefully this is the beginning of alot of posts to come and not just a fad that I will quit on after a couple of days...

We'll see.